Saturday, September 23, 2017

Do I Have A Drinking Problem?

I don't have a drinking problem. Or, do I?

I am not missing work or abusing any relationships. I have never had a DUI. There wasn't some event that just happened that made me look at trying to go without alcohol for a month.

There was no magical aha moment.

In fact, I am in in pretty decent physical condition for a 55 year old male. Last weekend I completed the Spartan Beast in Killington, Vermont. The Spartan Beast challenges the body, mind and spirit with 14 miles up and down a mountain and 32 obstacles. It was very difficult. But, I completed it.

But, could I have done better?

My career is going well. I am a senior executive in an insurance company leading two departments. I just won my second MVP award. Considering where I started in life, a welfare family living in the projects, I have done pretty well.

But, could I be doing better?

My physical appearance is not bad. In fact, I would say I am better looking than most men. I certainly do not look my age. I am carrying a few extra pounds. I put in long days and get a lot out of every day.

But, could I improve my performance? My appearance?

I am doing okay financially. I have a nice house, drive a new SUV, pay my bills, take a couple of vacations a year. Compared to most, I am doing pretty well.

But, could I be doing better?

I married to a beautiful woman. Like any marriage, it is not perfect. There are good times and bad times. But, we are together where some couples are not. Or, some that are together are in loveless marriages. I am not.

But, could I make this relationship better?

The answer to all the questions above is Yes.  Yes, I can do better physically. Yes, I can do better at work. Yes, I can improve my appearance. Yes, I can do better financially. Yes, I can improve my relationships especially the one with myself.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I can improve everything by doing just one thing: reducing or eliminating alcohol from my life.

I drink everyday. I have at least a couple of glasses of wine after work and with dinner each day. On weekends I usually polish off a couple of six packs. And, I don't drink light beer. I drink high alcohol content IPA's. They also pack a walloping 220 calories each!

I often feel tired during the day. My sleep is often interrupted. I don't wake up feeling refreshed. I can sometimes feel irritable. 

I spend a considerable amount of money on alcohol. And, often spend money on things I don't need because of alcohol.

These are the two main drivers that prompted me to start to look at the impact of alcohol in my life. And, the research I did revealed that there are probably other things that are being affected that I am not aware of.

The 30 day no alcohol challenge can be found many places on the internet. There are all kinds of 30 day challenges. In the research, I found that there are many people like me. They are not drinking to the point of creating major problems in their life. But, the are concerned about the impact alcohol is having on them. And, when they have taken the 30 day challenge, they have noticed astonishing results.

Practically all of them lose weight, sleep better, improve their relationships and save money. For the ones that complete the 30 days, many just stick with it. It just feels so much better to not drink.

30 days is not a long time and that is what makes it not seem so insurmountable. You can do the 30 days and come back to drinking if you want. That thought makes the challenge feel doable. It is not forever. It is not a lifelong permanent change.

30 days is not a long time. But, it is enough time. It is enough time for the body to recover. And, the fact that recover is what happens should be enough of a reason to stop drinking.

So, I will do my 30 No Alcohol Challenge in October 2017. The first day will be October 1, 2017. I can't wait to see what happens. I will record it all here.