Thursday, June 6, 2019

Sober Rocket

Getting sober is like a rocket launch. What makes a successful rocket launch?

Obviously, getting off the ground, getting down range and then establishing a trajectory to your final destination. Sounds easy. But, there is a lot that goes into a rocket launch. There is a lot that can go wrong. There is a lot that has to go right. And, it takes phenomenal power to get started.

Getting sober, even if it is for only 30 days, is very similar to a rocket launch. Especially at the beginning where both getting sober and launching a rocket requires a lot of power. There is little doubt that major effort is going to be required of you to get started on a break from alcohol. And, it is here you have to trust the process. While it may take an enormous effort to get started, it takes much less effort to keep going. Just like a rocket that drops the main booster engines after take off, it can continue to travel at incomprehensible speeds on much less power. That is momentum.

Planning to launch a rocket requires an extensive amount of planning. There are literally thousands of tasks that must be completed in a specific sequence to successfully launch. That planning starts months and sometimes years in advance. When you quit drinking, even if only for a month, it should be planned for. Pick the date, clean out the house, plan activities for after the quit (launch) date to occupy your time and especially your mind. No plan is perfect and every planned is flawed in some way. So, don’t fret over every detail. A basic structured approach is all you need. And, most of what you will need to know will be learned along the way. Hey, it’s not rocket science...

As your launch date approaches take action on the preparations. Get everything ready in your physical world so your mental world is as comfortable as possible. You want to feel confident on launch day. The best way to accomplish this is to be meticulous in your preparation. Go into launch day knowing with a high level of confidence you have done everything possible to be ready to launch.